FEMONT OPAVA was founded in 1992 in Opava by five partners who at the time worked in the area of production and erection of various technological assemblies, such as wastewater treatment plants, sawdust bins, sludge tanks or various steel structures.
The production started in 1992 in the Vrchní street in Opava – Kateřinky, but two years later in 1994 due to the gradual increase of job orders and increasing number of employees the company moved to larger facilities in the Stará road in Opava to the premises of former coal yards where in rented facilities the company was delivering job order production of large and small steel structures and process assemblies, including surface treatment; at that time the company had 25 employees.
Here the company implemented its first international cooperation with a German client during production of assemblies for individual components of steel structures for amusement park attractions.
The turning point comes in 1994 when FEMONT OPAVA started first importing and subsequently producing assembled halls made of steel structures with cladding.
At the beginning of 1995 the company management made an important decision which was closely related to the construction of our own production plant. The site for the new plant was found in Opava – Vávrovice and the construction of the production plant started in 1995 and the plant was opened on October 1, 1996. At that time the company had 45 employees.
In 1996 the company started cooperation with the author of the utility design of the VEDE system – light hall steel structures and the company started focusing on this new core production program.
In 2000 the company expanded its production facilities with a new production hall in which a new paint shop was built in 2006 in order to ensure high quality application of coating systems. The paint shop was built within the framework of the Phare 2003 – Technology operation program.
In 2008 this production hall was expanded with another part used for dispatching of finished products and for receiving of steel material. At the same time the company completed the modernization of the company administrative building and a dedicated design department and a sales department was created. At that time the company had 205 internal employees and it was active on the entire territory of the Czech Republic and Slovakia.
In 2009 – 2010, within the framework of the operation program focusing on business and innovations – the Development Program – the 2nd call, the company installed a new tack welding and welding line for long steel sections types U, I, C with a height of the flange of maximum 1000 mm and with a length of 16 m.
This step significantly increased the quality and quantity of the produced assembled and welded steel parts as well as the loadbearing components of the individual steel halls either of the VEDE system, framed structures or the individual requirements of the customers for partial deliveries for their further processing within the framework of their own projects.
In the course of 2010 – 2015, the company has been stabilized after the downturn of the economy in the Czech Republic in 2008 – 2009. In 2014 the company engaged again in the possibility of subsidized operation programs for the development of the existing process equipment or acquisition of brand-new equipment within the framework of improving the quality of its own production in connection with expanding the number of jobs in the blue-collar and white-collar area.
All individual worksites of the pre-production stage have been modernized, including innovation of the IT hardware and software equipment for the design, production, and assembly of steel structures.
In 2015, FEMONT OPAVA expanded its production facilities with a modern production hall with a total area of 2200 m², which by its parameters exceeded the original production halls especially by its dominant height and by the technical and application parameters of the new portal cranes.
In connection with the above-mentioned possibilities of the renewed subsidized programs, in 2013 the company started preparations regarding the acquisition of a new laser cutting machine within the framework of the operation program focusing on business and innovations. This resulted in using the new production hall and installing a new modern laser cutting equipment including all connected process and supporting equipment. By doing so the company has succeeded in expanding the portfolio of services for the customers and investors.
Since 2008, FEMONT OPAVA is a member of the Czech Association of Steel Structures and presently is a regular member of the Association.
The Czech Association of Steel Structures is an association of leading Czech manufacturers of steel structures and other companies active in the area of design and production of steel structures.
This is a prestigious association focusing on fulfilling of several strategic objectives.
Within the framework of development of the steel structure sector, the Association aims at providing information for all stakeholders in the sector. At various levels, the Association focuses on promoting measures aimed at improving the quality of the produced steel structures. One of its activities is participation on development of standards and legislative regulations within the Czech Republic and the European Union.
You can find more information at the official website ČAOK.
We hold certificates that guarantee that our long-term goals detailed in our integrated management system policy are met. If you wish to obtain more information about our certifications, please contact us and we will be happy to send it to you.
- Quality Management System
A certificate confirming compliance with ČSN EN ISO 9001:2009 - Quality Management System
A certificate confirming compliance with ČSN EN ISO 9001:2016 in conjunction with ČSN EN ISO 3834-2:2006 - Environmental Management System
A certificate confirming compliance with ČSN EN ISO 14001:2005
- Occupational Safety and Health Management System
A certificate confirming compliance with ČSN OHSAS 18001:2008 - Production Conformity Certificate
A production control conformity certificate for structural steel parts, design class up to EXC3 according to EN 1090-2+A1 - Steel Structure Production and Assembly Certificate
A certificate confirming fitness for production and assembly of steel structures according to ČSN EN 1090-2+A1
as a manufacturer of steel structures is interested in permanent cooperation:
- with designers and architects focusing on designing of this type of structures
- with construction companies implementing such structures
- with manufacturers of construction components
- with specialists interested in performing commercial and technical activities based on contractual relationships with FEMONT OPAVA.